The Bible and Race in America
6-sessions in-person hosted in partnership with Trinity Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, Georgia. Sundays from 10:00 AM ET - 11:00 AM ET starting September 17 until October 22, 2023.
Recent events in our country continue to highlight the various, and often conflicting approaches people take to answer the question, “who is an American?”
Throughout America’s history, the Bible and religion were significant sources to answer this question, especially the construction of American racial categories.
This course introduces students to the ways the Bible has been used throughout American history to construct, support, and challenge America’s racial caste systems – particularly the categories of “blackness” and “whiteness.”
Scholarships are available for this course, please email us at for more information.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
Continuing Education Units (CEU) are available for this course. There is a processing fee of $25.00, and an Award Letter will be issued once the course has been completed. Please add the CEU Processing Fee at checkout.
Before joining the Candler faculty, Dr. Joel B. Kemp served as assistant professor of theology at the University of Scranton. His research interests in biblical studies include the Old Testament, especially the latter prophets, biblical law, and the history of Judah and identity development.
His additional scholarly pursuits include African-American appropriations of Scripture, the relationship between race, religion, and law within American society, and the use of the Bible in popular culture. He worked as both an attorney and a minister before pursuing graduate theological studies (read more).